Author Topic: Barbra Bush Cellphone on Ebay!! only 400 US dollars...  (Read 2164 times)


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Barbra Bush Cellphone on Ebay!! only 400 US dollars...
« on: December 01, 2006, 04:38:19 AM »
Heeellloo phone phreaks!

During this year Barbara and her sister decided that Argentina was a great place to spend some time, so they came. Argentina is in fact a great country with a lot of lovely things like tango and cheap drugs however it is also a bit insecure. During lunch last month some guy saw in a restaurant two young US women with rich looking and with no security so he thought that stealing their purses could be a total hit; and damn! It was, the guy ran away with Barbara’s stuff while the secret service was doing some other secret things because they certainly weren’t there :P.
The thing is that after all this mess the robber realized who was the original owner of the things inside this bag and what did he do?? YES! He posted Barbara’s mobile phone, including all it’s contact numbers (yeah Paris Hilton was in there) on the local E-bay site.

You can see it on the news here

Is in Spanish, but you can see the picture of the offer. Eventually the local Ebay site banned the user and it seems that nobody will be able to buy the phoney after all but you must admit that the guy has some huge balls!


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Re: Barbra Bush Cellphone on Ebay!! only 400 US dollars...
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 12:20:52 PM »
Why does it say GWB is her uncle? 

I see bidding doesn't end until tomorrow...

I heard a secret service agent got beat up or something over this.  By the robbers I mean.


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Re: Barbra Bush Cellphone on Ebay!! only 400 US dollars...
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2006, 05:10:40 PM »
Why does it say GWB is her uncle? 

I see bidding doesn't end until tomorrow...

I heard a secret service agent got beat up or something over this.  By the robbers I mean.

Abuelo means grand father, about the beat up well bollocks, the guy just grab the stuff and made some urban sprinting afterwards without making any threat