So, what do you get when you combine electronica, punk rock, tragically hip fashion, a completely tone deaf lead singer, off the wall Art Deco semi-post modernist song titles, and solid backing from MTV?
Why, you get Panic! At the Disco.
I know I'm pretty late jumping on this bandwagon, but lately I've been pretty good about insulating myself from pop culture. I don't have cable and I generally only watch/listen to streamed radio, NPR, or local programming. Unfortunately, MTV invaded my university and put these stupid fucking TVs in all the common areas that blast MTV-U 24/7.
I. Swear. This band makes me want to die. I thought that Fall Out Boy was pretentious and unbearable, but FUCK. Add electronic sounding drums and you're in fucking business. I don't get all these borderline hipster emo-rock bands that are coming out. Do I get scene points for listening to something pretentious, but then also lose points for listening to something publicly accepted? Either way, I can feel my IQ dropping every time I wonder why you'd bother chiming in with "Haven't you ever heard of closing the goddamn door?".
I think I'm going to write a Panic! song. I'll make a little diagram for you guys, so you can make one at home.
Repetitive melodic/creepy intro.
Drum-rocked intro, repeated a few times, becomes the chorus.
Verse that just repeats one or two lines a few times, using that melodic line from the intro.
Chorus, using the second intro, along with the same vocals.
Second verse, same as the first.
Bridge, using either the verse without words or some variation of the chorus.
Spoken version of chorus or part of a verse.
Show off your vintage jeans with sport coat ensemble.
Do some of those "ohs" and "yeahs" that haven't been cool since Everclear.
Now all you have to do is think of some snappy and random title, like "Your take on the scene is my escape route" or, stated better, "I think I'm witty and the modern manifestation of a Kafka-esque take on art and pop culture, but I'm really just a douche". Seriously, between this shit, My Chemical Romance, Hawthorne Heights, Fall Out Boy, and the new AFI, MTV has warped the minds of an entire generation of sheep and convinced them that listening to crappy music, growing out one side of your hair, dressing like a mod with makeup, and spouting psudo-intellectual bullshit while whining about girls and/or contemplating suicide is socially acceptable. These people should be segregated from society and not be allowed to reproduce. Actually, I think they should just be exterminated. I'm sure rehabilitation is possible, but I don't think it's worth it. I do not want to have all these My Chemical Panic! kids alive and latching onto something else, dragging it into the ground and allowing MTV, the self-proclaimed god of pop-culture for the 14-25 year old to commercialize it. God forbid.