What's the best Bad Religion song?
Is Elvis alive? Why do people still like him.
Why is Micheal Bolton such a fudge packer?
Who would win in a fight between Micheal Bolton and Phil Collins?
Who would win in a fight between a younger Henry Rollins and John Basedow?
Holy questions. I didn't expect so many all at once.
1) What's the best Bad Religion song?To be completely honest, I never listened to individual songs. As an album, however, I do like "Stranger than Fiction."
2) Is Elivis alive? Why do people still like him? If he's still alive, it would have to be tied up and repeatedly raped in some crazed fan's basement, because there's no way he's just been wandering around for this long. I think people like him because he still represent sex, glamor, rock & roll, rebellion, and sweet townboy all at the same time.
3) Why is Michael Bolton such a fudgepacker? He's a middle aged white man who really, really wants to be a black soul singer. Failing at that, he has to settle for some sort of chocolate, even if it's ass chocolate.
4) Who would win in a fight between Micheal Bolton and Phil Collins? Phil Collins. They're both pussies, but at least Phil always has a keyboard handy. Keyboards make great clubs.
5) Who would win in a fight between a younger Henry Rollins and John Basedow? John Basedow. Henry Rollins would just get all pissed and run around in his underwear, punching shit until his hands bled. As crazy as he was, he always seemed like more of a danger to himself than anything else.