Haroldpacker,are you sure your a criminal justice major? 1st,you admit she got a restraining order against you because you quit buying her alcohol,why were you buying a minor alcohol? People cant get a restraining order against someone just because they wont buy them alcohol. Then you say "Nothing could back up her case since A: she works at a place with cameras B: I only went there once ordering food and C: There was never a police report made to the effect that I was violent nor stalking her." Okay, she works at a place with cameras,did she say you were being violent or harassing to her only at her workplace? Unless you have cameras in your apartment you cant disprove her claims. Also someone that gets a restraining order does NOT need police reports to back up their claims,as most judges realize that women in abusive relationships are hesitant to call police in the first place. And then there is just the simple,ironic fact that you(a supposed criminal justice major no less )are WANTING to do exactly what she claims your doing,harassing her,which your attempting to do with this silly idea of yours.