I'm into
Geocaching and I've been wanting to unleash a travelbug unto the world for quite awhile now. A travelbug is an item you put into a cache which other Geocachers take and put into other caches, then they log it on the website with a tracking number so you can see where your travelbug ends up. Some of them just drift around a state forever and others end up going around the world.
I've decided that the perfect travelbug would be some kind of cactus character. Maybe a plush toy or something made of plastic. In the description, I'm going to request that this cactus character have his picture taken in front of as many pay phones as possible. Maybe he'll make it to another country for pay phone pictures.
I've been searching Ebay and the only plush cactus is
Hello Kitty, which is stupid and expensive. There's also the cactus antenna topper, but it seems like that would come apart too easily. Same with all the glass figurines. If anyone can find some kind of toy cactus, preferably a character of some kind and hopefully cheap, post it here.