Author Topic: Disappearing  (Read 24491 times)

Offline not a banana

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« on: February 23, 2011, 04:57:48 PM »
I got fired from Walmart for stealing over $9000 in gift cards last month. I have to pay this back or they will take me to court, I'll have a felony, and possibly have to go to prison for up to five years. I've worked for Walmart since 2008. I'm out trying to find a new job and I cannot seem to get anything. I wonder if leaving Walmart off my resume would be a good thing. Also I have to repay them $150 a month until this is paid off. If I don't get a job, I can't pay them. If I can't pay them, I'm going to prison. I am NOT going to prison.

So I must ask, how do you just get up and move? Leaving your family and friends behind? Getting employed with a huge job gap? Living under a fake name, etc.

Thank you.

Offline dyslexicoger

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 12:48:20 AM »
Leaving everything behind is hard to do. Seeing how you know how to steal walmart gift cards. I would go and steal some more. that way when you leave you will not have to start completely over because there are walmarts everywhere even in china.

Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 07:16:43 AM »
It was something I could only do as an employee.
I did call my last job before Walmart to verify dates and found out I had the wrong date leaving that company.

 But no, no stealing anymore gift cards.

Offline CK

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 12:29:19 PM »
Personally, I am interested in what you spent the money on. Did you sell the gift cards for reduced rates? Do you just love to shop at America's superstore? So many unanswered questions...
But do you have ample parking? That is the question.

Offline rbcp

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 01:14:52 PM »
And how did you steal them?  Were you just activating them at the register while you were a cashier?  Wouldn't that be really obvious to them?  How long did you get away with it?

Offline nyphonejacks

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2011, 06:16:40 PM »
It was something I could only do as an employee.
I did call my last job before Walmart to verify dates and found out I had the wrong date leaving that company.

 But no, no stealing anymore gift cards.

i say steal some gift cards

Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 10:17:11 AM »
Yes, I activated them at the self check out when I was watching that area. Then I had used a fake upc that worked as a coupon to make the cost of the order a penny (free might be too suspicious). Then I would pay the penny. I would put the amount of the coupon into the box with real legitimate coupons. I got away with it for 18 months. I mostly spent it on food, and necessities. I got caught up in the payday loan cycle. So I changed my phone number but they'll probably want to take me to court at some point too. So come on, help me move and disappear.

Offline rbcp

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2011, 01:23:13 PM »
That's crazy that it took them so long to notice it.

If you're ready to completely ditch your friends and family for a 5 - 7 years, then just do it.  Move at least several states away so that if you're picked up for doing something else, they won't be likely to extradite you back to your own state.  I had a warrant out for me in Illinois once and got arrested in Texas, but since I was so far away they refused to have me shipped to Illinois.  Because of that, charges against me were dropped.  It might all be different in your case and I could be giving you horrible advice, but that's how it worked for me.  Has Wal-Mart involved the police yet?

If you plan to keep using your real name, just explain the gap in employment as time you were going to school or taking care of your dying mother or something.  Or maybe you were self-employed, doing some kind of labor work.  Or you could have a friend of yours pretend to be an employer and give you an awesome reference.  I've done that for friends of mine and its resulted in them getting jobs.  You could even set up a voicemail for a fake company and call them back with the reference yourself.  I bet if you look on the internet, there is even a service like this.  Like you pay so much per month and they'll give you a good fake job reference.

Offline blu3b0y

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2011, 04:09:17 PM »
I would take my chances with the law. I know of a lady that stole like 100k from handicapped people while working for Lutheran Social Services and she ended up getting like 6 months in jail and having to repay only like 20k of it. Which honestly was a pretty good deal for her. I believe the reason why she only had to repay about 20k of it is because she was bonded. I can't imagine that wal-mart doesn't have  bonding insurance on it's cashiers.

I would imagine that the law has to be involved in this matter already because, who are  you suppose to make payment to? The customer service counter at Wal-Mart? If they didn't make you sign anything or have you arrested when you were confronted with the theft they might be just trying to scare you into paying. Of course I could be completely wrong on all my speculation and you could end up going to prison for 5 years and getting raped daily.

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2011, 08:22:03 PM »
Get a job teaching English in Asia. Not only does that give you a pretense for running away, so that you don't have to tell daddy you stole $9000, but hell, you'd even quickly make the money to pay off your dues. If that's what you had in mind. AND it would look great on your resume!

Maybe stealing $9000 was the start of the exciting half of your life.
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Offline nyphonejacks

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2011, 09:14:01 PM »
you could end up going to prison for 5 years and getting raped daily.

which you might actually enjoy...

Maybe stealing $9000 was the start of the exciting half of your life.


Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2011, 09:39:23 PM »
Yes, I filled out a civil demand paper admitting to having taken that much money. I have to mail payments in to their loss prevention department in Missouri.

Perhaps they noticed sooner and was just waiting for the amount to add up. The weird thing is that since then (beginning of January) they've let go about half the cashiers that were up there. I know all of them couldn't have been stealing. I think they're trying to cut costs. I really wasn't costing the store any money, only the manufacturers. It was steal wrong, I know.

The regional loss prevention coordinator said she was shocked it took them that long to catch on to what I was doing. I think a coworker probably suspected something and reported me, because I was using the gift cards at the store I worked at. I did not use my discount card with them, so perhaps they were suspicious of me making purchases without that as well. When I got fired they wanted me to turn in that discount card. I gave them my wife's and told them I lost mine. Actually, I'm keeping it as a souvenir.

Offline blu3b0y

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2011, 11:35:05 PM »
I would probably call the people you are suppose to pay and tell them your situation. Since they were nice enough to not send you to prision they may give a little extra time. Also if you plan on making a run for it does your wife know about this awesome plan? are you taking her with you?

Offline dyslexicoger

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2011, 07:17:36 AM »
Yes, I filled out a civil demand paper admitting to having taken that much money. I have to mail payments in to their loss prevention department in Missouri.

A While back the local walmart was giving away free five dollar gift cards for their newly redesigned store which came in the mail. I live in an apartment and everyone just thought it was junk mail. So, I was able to dig 41 of these out of the trash. I personally don't shop at walmart. I have used about 20 of them for their 5 dollar DVDs. I will send the rest to you (and only you) if as long as you use then to pay walmart back with them.

Offline jx

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2011, 11:49:00 AM »
I got fired from Walmart for stealing over $9000 in gift cards last month.
