I don't remember if i introduced myself when I signed up. I think I was way too busy lurking teh forums. Well hi, friends call me rizz but you can call me rizz.
My name is not to be known by anyone, EVARRRRRRR. *coughcoughhomercoughcough* ok so i may have coughed up my name. and if anyone says simpson I shall personally pimpslap you. Think more like the philosipher, or the stoner guy....wait was there a famous stoner guy who was philisopihical named homer? eh...whatevs.
Well a little about me. I like playing WoW. I like playing with electronic gadgets. When I am bored I write DOS scripts to run my favorite portscanners, sniffers, ect. Sure I may not be very good at using em but I know how to make it easier for everyone.
If there is anything else you are dying to know about me just post it. I may lurk upon it and reply...or i may let it sit for a while and then lurk upon it and reply after you have forgotten all about it.