I've read one article so far that actually admits they are black. Never saw a single TV news report that will. When you've seen more Philadelphia media than I have, then you can shoot down my theory.
Blacks are barely the majority in this city. But their slight predominance has nothing at all to do with the savage behavior of the "youths" in question. It should not be happening in the first place. The common theme in the media regarding these riots is that someone else must be to blame. I.E. the Internet, poverty, lack of funding for afterschool programs, and their racist tendencies are excused by "hyper-segregation" (self-initiated segregation, btw) In short, this chaos is everyone else's fault, and they can't possibly be held accountable for their actions. People in the articles may hold them responsible, but the authors/reporters generally have a liberal slant regarding the problem.
I guess it's all my fault in the end. The big, bad White Devil. I guess the already whopping city wage tax they take out of my checks isn't enough.